INFI Coffee Estate Architecture & Landscape Design INFI 咖啡体验庄园建筑及景观设计
咖啡烘培与建筑设计有很多相似之处,与其说它们是一门技术,不如说是一种艺术。在INFI咖啡体验庄园,极具创造力和艺术张力的建筑与景观,为INFI咖啡提供新灵感。建筑与景观的生命力源于INFI咖啡的性格。在海南这片土地上,即将成就的是关于咖啡的传奇,亦是关于建筑的。 设计的思索过程在于将空间的序列重组。被场地浓郁的绿色所感染,这里的气候,植被,自然所体现出来的状态,都是设计最原始的出发点。本案的挑战在于如何在思索的过程中,充分尊重场地的气质,并对此进行升华,提炼, 使设计与场地融合。 建筑外观是一种原生态的素朴和颠覆性的创新相结合。一种低调而庄重的石材,代表着INFI咖啡的文化底蕴与传统。反光亚膜铜板的运用,代表着一种前卫的思考,颠覆,与创新。外墙的选择是一种朴素与艺术,作家气质的材质。材质具有一种原生态的在地性。这种材质可以考虑是夯土材料。夯土材料的的做工,可以在建筑外表皮做20mm的抹灰处理,这种材质还可以是混凝土板材。
Coffee roasting has many similarities to architectural design. It is not so much a technique as it is an art At INFI, the innovative and artistic architecture and landscape provide new inspiration for coffee roasting. The vitality of architecture and landscape stems from the character of INFI Coffee. In Hainan, what is about to be accomplished is the legend about coffee, as well as architecture. The thinking process of de-sign is to reorganize the se-quence of space. Impressed by the site’s rich green, the cli-mate, vegetation, and natural condition of the place are the very original inspiration for this design. The challenge of the project is to fully respect the venue’s temperament, sublimating and refining it to integrate the design with the site. The exterior of the building is a reflection of INFI culture, a combination of tradition and creativity. The reflective copper material rep-resents the innovation of INFI Coffee. The con-crete facade represents the classical aspect of INFI.
Project name INFI 咖啡体验庄园建筑及景观设计 INFI Coffee Estate Architecture & Landscape Design
Typology 商业建筑,景观 Commercial architecture,Landscape
Location 海口 Haikou,China
Year 2019
Size 建筑600m²,景观5000m² 600m² architecture,5000m² landscape
Client 英菲咖啡 INFIKYLIN Coffee
REAL Architects © All rights reserved ICP证:沪ICP备20000965号
INFI Coffee Estate Architecture & Landscape Design INFI 咖啡体验庄园建筑及景观设计
Coffee roasting has many similarities to architectural design. It is not so much a technique as it is an art At INFI, the innovative and artistic architecture and landscape provide new inspiration for coffee roasting. The vitality of architecture and landscape stems from the character of INFI Coffee. In Hainan, what is about to be accomplished is the legend about coffee, as well as architecture. The thinking process of de-sign is to reorganize the se-quence of space. Impressed by the site’s rich green, the cli-mate, vegetation, and natural condition of the place are the very original inspiration for this design. The challenge of the project is to fully respect the venue’s temperament, sublimating and refining it to integrate the design with the site. The exterior of the building is a reflection of INFI culture, a combination of tradition and creativity. The reflective copper material rep-resents the innovation of INFI Coffee. The con-crete facade represents the classical aspect of INFI.
咖啡烘培与建筑设计有很多相似之处,与其说它们是一门技术,不如说是一种艺术。在INFI咖啡体验庄园,极具创造力和艺术张力的建筑与景观,为INFI咖啡提供新灵感。建筑与景观的生命力源于INFI咖啡的性格。在海南这片土地上,即将成就的是关于咖啡的传奇,亦是关于建筑的。 设计的思索过程在于将空间的序列重组。被场地浓郁的绿色所感染,这里的气候,植被,自然所体现出来的状态,都是设计最原始的出发点。本案的挑战在于如何在思索的过程中,充分尊重场地的气质,并对此进行升华,提炼, 使设计与场地融合。 建筑外观是一种原生态的素朴和颠覆性的创新相结合。一种低调而庄重的石材,代表着INFI咖啡的文化底蕴与传统。反光亚膜铜板的运用,代表着一种前卫的思考,颠覆,与创新。外墙的选择是一种朴素与艺术,作家气质的材质。材质具有一种原生态的在地性。这种材质可以考虑是夯土材料。夯土材料的的做工,可以在建筑外表皮做20mm的抹灰处理,这种材质还可以是混凝土板材。
Project name INFI 咖啡体验庄园建筑及景观设计 INFI Coffee Estate Architecture & Landscape Design
商业建筑,景观 Commercial architecture,Landscape Typology
Location 海口 Haikou,China
Year 2019
Size 建筑600m²,景观5000m² 600m² architecture,5000m² landscape
Client 英菲咖啡 INFIKYLIN Coffee
REAL Architects © All rights reserved ICP证:沪ICP备20000965号
INFI Coffee Estate Architecture & Landscape Design INFI 咖啡体验庄园建筑及景观设计
Coffee roasting has many similarities to architectural design. It is not so much a technique as it is an art At INFI, the innovative and artistic architecture and landscape provide new inspiration for coffee roasting. The vitality of architecture and landscape stems from the character of INFI Coffee. In Hainan, what is about to be accomplished is the legend about coffee, as well as architecture. The thinking process of de-sign is to reorganize the se-quence of space. Impressed by the site’s rich green, the cli-mate, vegetation, and natural condition of the place are the very original inspiration for this design. The challenge of the project is to fully respect the venue’s temperament, sublimating and refining it to integrate the design with the site. The exterior of the building is a reflection of INFI culture, a combination of tradition and creativity. The reflective copper material rep-resents the innovation of INFI Coffee. The con-crete facade represents the classical aspect of INFI.
咖啡烘培与建筑设计有很多相似之处,与其说它们是一门技术,不如说是一种艺术。在INFI咖啡体验庄园,极具创造力和艺术张力的建筑与景观,为INFI咖啡提供新灵感。建筑与景观的生命力源于INFI咖啡的性格。在海南这片土地上,即将成就的是关于咖啡的传奇,亦是关于建筑的。 设计的思索过程在于将空间的序列重组。被场地浓郁的绿色所感染,这里的气候,植被,自然所体现出来的状态,都是设计最原始的出发点。本案的挑战在于如何在思索的过程中,充分尊重场地的气质,并对此进行升华,提炼, 使设计与场地融合。 建筑外观是一种原生态的素朴和颠覆性的创新相结合。一种低调而庄重的石材,代表着INFI咖啡的文化底蕴与传统。反光亚膜铜板的运用,代表着一种前卫的思考,颠覆,与创新。外墙的选择是一种朴素与艺术,作家气质的材质。材质具有一种原生态的在地性。这种材质可以考虑是夯土材料。夯土材料的的做工,可以在建筑外表皮做20mm的抹灰处理,这种材质还可以是混凝土板材。
Project name INFI 咖啡体验庄园建筑及景观设计 INFI Coffee Estate Architecture & Landscape Design
商业建筑,景观 Commercial architecture,Landscape Typology
Location 海口 Haikou,China
Year 2019
Size 建筑600m²,景观5000m² 600m² architecture,5000m² landscape
Client 英菲咖啡 INFIKYLIN Coffee
REAL Architects © All rights reserved ICP证:沪ICP备20000965号
INFI Coffee Estate Architecture & Landscape Design INFI 咖啡体验庄园建筑及景观设计 咖啡烘培与建筑设计有很多相似之处,与其说它们是一门技术,不如说是一种艺术。在INFI咖啡体验庄园,极具创造力和艺术张力的建筑与景观,为INFI咖啡提供新灵感。建筑与景观的生命力源于INFI咖啡的性格。在海南这片土地上,即将成就的是关于咖啡的传奇,亦是关于建筑的。 设计的思索过程在于将空间的序列重组。被场地浓郁的绿色所感染,这里的气候,植被,自然所体现出来的状态,都是设计最原始的出发点。本案的挑战在于如何在思索的过程中,充分尊重场地的气质,并对此进行升华,提炼, 使设计与场地融合。 建筑外观是一种原生态的素朴和颠覆性的创新相结合。一种低调而庄重的石材,代表着INFI咖啡的文化底蕴与传统。反光亚膜铜板的运用,代表着一种前卫的思考,颠覆,与创新。外墙的选择是一种朴素与艺术,作家气质的材质。材质具有一种原生态的在地性。这种材质可以考虑是夯土材料。夯土材料的的做工,可以在建筑外表皮做20mm的抹灰处理,这种材质还可以是混凝土板材。
Coffee roasting has many similarities to architectural design. It is not so much a technique as it is an art At INFI, the innovative and artistic architecture and landscape provide new inspiration for coffee roasting. The vitality of architecture and landscape stems from the character of INFI Coffee. In Hainan, what is about to be accomplished is the legend about coffee, as well as architecture. The thinking process of de-sign is to reorganize the se-quence of space. Impressed by the site’s rich green, the cli-mate, vegetation, and natural condition of the place are the very original inspiration for this design. The challenge of the project is to fully respect the venue’s temperament, sublimating and refining it to integrate the design with the site. The exterior of the building is a reflection of INFI culture, a combination of tradition and creativity. The reflective copper material rep-resents the innovation of INFI Coffee. The con-crete facade represents the classical aspect of INFI.
Project name INFI 咖啡体验庄园建筑及景观设计 INFI Coffee Estate Architecture & Landscape Design Typology 商业建筑,景观 Commercial architecture,Landscape Location 海口 Haikou,China Year 2019 Size 建筑600m²,景观5000m² 600m² architecture,5000m² landscape Client 英菲咖啡 INFIKYLIN Coffee
REAL Architects © All rights reserved ICP证:沪ICP备20000965号
INFI Coffee Estate Architecture & Landscape Design INFI 咖啡体验庄园建筑及景观设计 咖啡烘培与建筑设计有很多相似之处,与其说它们是一门技术,不如说是一种艺术。在INFI咖啡体验庄园,极具创造力和艺术张力的建筑与景观,为INFI咖啡提供新灵感。建筑与景观的生命力源于INFI咖啡的性格。在海南这片土地上,即将成就的是关于咖啡的传奇,亦是关于建筑的。 设计的思索过程在于将空间的序列重组。被场地浓郁的绿色所感染,这里的气候,植被,自然所体现出来的状态,都是设计最原始的出发点。本案的挑战在于如何在思索的过程中,充分尊重场地的气质,并对此进行升华,提炼, 使设计与场地融合。 建筑外观是一种原生态的素朴和颠覆性的创新相结合。一种低调而庄重的石材,代表着INFI咖啡的文化底蕴与传统。反光亚膜铜板的运用,代表着一种前卫的思考,颠覆,与创新。外墙的选择是一种朴素与艺术,作家气质的材质。材质具有一种原生态的在地性。这种材质可以考虑是夯土材料。夯土材料的的做工,可以在建筑外表皮做20mm的抹灰处理,这种材质还可以是混凝土板材。
Coffee roasting has many similarities to architectural design. It is not so much a technique as it is an art At INFI, the innovative and artistic architecture and landscape provide new inspiration for coffee roasting. The vitality of architecture and landscape stems from the character of INFI Coffee. In Hainan, what is about to be accomplished is the legend about coffee, as well as architecture. The thinking process of de-sign is to reorganize the se-quence of space. Impressed by the site’s rich green, the cli-mate, vegetation, and natural condition of the place are the very original inspiration for this design. The challenge of the project is to fully respect the venue’s temperament, sublimating and refining it to integrate the design with the site. The exterior of the building is a reflection of INFI culture, a combination of tradition and creativity. The reflective copper material rep-resents the innovation of INFI Coffee. The con-crete facade represents the classical aspect of INFI.
Project name INFI 咖啡体验庄园建筑及景观设计 INFI Coffee Estate Architecture & Landscape Design Typology 商业建筑,景观 Commercial architecture,Landscape Location 海口 Haikou,China Year 2019 Size 建筑600m²,景观5000m² 600m² architecture,5000m² landscape Client 英菲咖啡 INFIKYLIN Coffee REAL Architects © All rights reserved ICP证:沪ICP备20000965号