Shadow Play Gallery 皮影文化体验馆 场地关系: 基地位于村庄荒废的小学遗址,遗留建筑呈窄长的直线形式,宽5.7m,长47m。基地地形呈三角形式。基地北侧紧邻远古音乐厅。在整体的关系网络中,如何去营造村庄皮影文化馆与远古音乐厅之间和谐的场地关系,成为本案布局的出发点。沿着南侧主干步道的轴线,我们设计了一条直线穿过场地的轴线道路。这条道路作为主干步道的延续,使得人行的交通流线更为高效,同时强调了元古音乐厅在整体规划布局中的核心位置。顺应场地的关系,这条人行道路呈下沉式布局,进而形成皮影文化中心下沉广场空间。 建筑融合: 基地村落,有着完整的建筑形态,从坡屋顶,到院落形式,建筑高度。这些构成其村庄的完整性。本案建筑,意图尊重周边建筑关系,从屋顶形式到建筑高度及立面材料,都试图实现和周边环境的融合。 形式与空间: 西井峪的乡村道路,民房,和山地地形之间,形成了一种错落有致的空间秩序。这种秩序中,典型的存在形式,有院墙,有广场,有上行或下行的步道,有石头院墙形成的窄窄的巷子。本案对这些空间场进行了深入的研究,并提取出来与其想协调的空间关系,形成文化馆的空间秩序。 THE SITE: The site is located at the ruins of a ruined elementary school in the village. The remaining building is in the form of a long and narrow straight line, 5.7m wide and 47m long. The terrain of the base is triangular. The north side of the base is adjacent to the ancient concert hall. In the overall network of relationships, how to create a harmonious venue relationship between the Shadow Play Cultural Center and the ancient concert hall has become the starting point of the layout of this project. Along the axis of the main trail on the south side, we designed an axis road that runs straight through the site. As a continuation of the main trail, this road makes the pedestrian traffic flow more efficient, and at the same time emphasizes the core position of the ancient concert hall in the overall planning layout. In accordance with the relationship of the site, this pedestrian path has a sunken layout, which forms the sunken square space of the Shadow Play Cultural Center. HARMONY: The village has a complete architectural form, from the slope roof to the courtyard form, the height of the building. These constitute the integrity of the village. The design, intended to respect the surrounding building relations, from the roof form to the height of the building and facade materials, are trying to achieve integration with the surrounding environment. FORM & SPACE Xijingyu’s rural roads, private houses, and mountainous terrain form a patchwork of spatial order. In this order, the typical forms of existence include courtyard walls, squares, upward or downward trails, and narrow alleys formed by stone courtyard walls. In this case, an in-depth study of these space fields was carried out, and the spatial relationship with which they wanted to be coordinated was extracted to form the spatial order of the cultural center.
Project name 皮影文化体验馆 Shadow Play Gallery
Typology 公建 Public
Location 天津 Tianjin , China
Year 2020
Size 1400㎡
Client N/A
REAL Architects © All rights reserved ICP证:沪ICP备20000965号
Shadow Play Gallery 皮影文化体验馆 场地关系: 基地位于村庄荒废的小学遗址,遗留建筑呈窄长的直线形式,宽5.7m,长47m。基地地形呈三角形式。基地北侧紧邻远古音乐厅。在整体的关系网络中,如何去营造村庄皮影文化馆与远古音乐厅之间和谐的场地关系,成为本案布局的出发点。沿着南侧主干步道的轴线,我们设计了一条直线穿过场地的轴线道路。这条道路作为主干步道的延续,使得人行的交通流线更为高效,同时强调了元古音乐厅在整体规划布局中的核心位置。顺应场地的关系,这条人行道路呈下沉式布局,进而形成皮影文化中心下沉广场空间。 建筑融合: 基地村落,有着完整的建筑形态,从坡屋顶,到院落形式,建筑高度。这些构成其村庄的完整性。本案建筑,意图尊重周边建筑关系,从屋顶形式到建筑高度及立面材料,都试图实现和周边环境的融合。 形式与空间: 西井峪的乡村道路,民房,和山地地形之间,形成了一种错落有致的空间秩序。这种秩序中,典型的存在形式,有院墙,有广场,有上行或下行的步道,有石头院墙形成的窄窄的巷子。本案对这些空间场进行了深入的研究,并提取出来与其想协调的空间关系,形成文化馆的空间秩序。 THE SITE: The site is located at the ruins of a ruined elementary school in the village. The remaining building is in the form of a long and narrow straight line, 5.7m wide and 47m long. The terrain of the base is triangular. The north side of the base is adjacent to the ancient concert hall. In the overall network of relationships, how to create a harmonious venue relationship between the Shadow Play Cultural Center and the ancient concert hall has become the starting point of the layout of this project. Along the axis of the main trail on the south side, we designed an axis road that runs straight through the site. As a continuation of the main trail, this road makes the pedestrian traffic flow more efficient, and at the same time emphasizes the core position of the ancient concert hall in the overall planning layout. In accordance with the relationship of the site, this pedestrian path has a sunken layout, which forms the sunken square space of the Shadow Play Cultural Center. HARMONY: The village has a complete architectural form, from the slope roof to the courtyard form, the height of the building. These constitute the integrity of the village. The design, intended to respect the surrounding building relations, from the roof form to the height of the building and facade materials, are trying to achieve integration with the surrounding environment. FORM & SPACE Xijingyu’s rural roads, private houses, and mountainous terrain form a patchwork of spatial order. In this order, the typical forms of existence include courtyard walls, squares, upward or downward trails, and narrow alleys formed by stone courtyard walls. In this case, an in-depth study of these space fields was carried out, and the spatial relationship with which they wanted to be coordinated was extracted to form the spatial order of the cultural center.
皮影文化体验馆 Shadow Play Gallery Project name
公建 Public Typology
Location 天津 Tianjin , China
Year 2020
Size 1400㎡
Client N/A
REAL Architects © All rights reserved ICP证:沪ICP备20000965号
Shadow Play Gallery 皮影文化体验馆 场地关系: 基地位于村庄荒废的小学遗址,遗留建筑呈窄长的直线形式,宽5.7m,长47m。基地地形呈三角形式。基地北侧紧邻远古音乐厅。在整体的关系网络中,如何去营造村庄皮影文化馆与远古音乐厅之间和谐的场地关系,成为本案布局的出发点。沿着南侧主干步道的轴线,我们设计了一条直线穿过场地的轴线道路。这条道路作为主干步道的延续,使得人行的交通流线更为高效,同时强调了元古音乐厅在整体规划布局中的核心位置。顺应场地的关系,这条人行道路呈下沉式布局,进而形成皮影文化中心下沉广场空间。 建筑融合: 基地村落,有着完整的建筑形态,从坡屋顶,到院落形式,建筑高度。这些构成其村庄的完整性。本案建筑,意图尊重周边建筑关系,从屋顶形式到建筑高度及立面材料,都试图实现和周边环境的融合。 形式与空间: 西井峪的乡村道路,民房,和山地地形之间,形成了一种错落有致的空间秩序。这种秩序中,典型的存在形式,有院墙,有广场,有上行或下行的步道,有石头院墙形成的窄窄的巷子。本案对这些空间场进行了深入的研究,并提取出来与其想协调的空间关系,形成文化馆的空间秩序。 THE SITE: The site is located at the ruins of a ruined elementary school in the village. The remaining building is in the form of a long and narrow straight line, 5.7m wide and 47m long. The terrain of the base is triangular. The north side of the base is adjacent to the ancient concert hall. In the overall network of relationships, how to create a harmonious venue relationship between the Shadow Play Cultural Center and the ancient concert hall has become the starting point of the layout of this project. Along the axis of the main trail on the south side, we designed an axis road that runs straight through the site. As a continuation of the main trail, this road makes the pedestrian traffic flow more efficient, and at the same time emphasizes the core position of the ancient concert hall in the overall planning layout. In accordance with the relationship of the site, this pedestrian path has a sunken layout, which forms the sunken square space of the Shadow Play Cultural Center. HARMONY: The village has a complete architectural form, from the slope roof to the courtyard form, the height of the building. These constitute the integrity of the village. The design, intended to respect the surrounding building relations, from the roof form to the height of the building and facade materials, are trying to achieve integration with the surrounding environment. FORM & SPACE Xijingyu’s rural roads, private houses, and mountainous terrain form a patchwork of spatial order. In this order, the typical forms of existence include courtyard walls, squares, upward or downward trails, and narrow alleys formed by stone courtyard walls. In this case, an in-depth study of these space fields was carried out, and the spatial relationship with which they wanted to be coordinated was extracted to form the spatial order of the cultural center.
Project name 皮影文化体验馆 Shadow Play Gallery Typology 公建 Public Location 天津 Tianjin , China Year 2020 Size 1400㎡ Client N/A REAL Architects © All rights reserved ICP证:沪ICP备20000965号